Windows Phone 8

New features that bring you closer to the people, places and things you care about. Simple refinements to make your phone a delight to use every day. And safeguards to help keep your data secure and your mind at ease.

That's what makes Windows Phone 8 the best Windows Phone yet. Here's a sampling of the new, the cool and the noteworthy. Find out what's in the latest update.

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Kid's Corner. Now the kids can play with your phone – without sending emails to your boss.
Data Sense. Don't get hit with overages or throttling – Data Sense can track your mobile network data use and let you know when you're close to reaching your limit. (Not all mobile operators offer Data Sense.)

Quad core support. New Windows Phones now support quad-core processors to pack even more power.

Eyes on the road. Use Driving Mode to cut down on distractions while you're behind the wheel. We can even send automatic replies to people who call or text when you're driving.

Wallet. Store cards and vouchers digitally and browse for local deals.

Screen rotation lock. Read on the sofa, lying in bed or hanging upside-down in your gravity boots – it's all possible once you turn on your screen rotation lock.

Microsoft account. Once you've signed in to your phone with a Microsoft account (formerly Windows Live ID), you'll be able to get apps, games and music from the Store, play Xbox games with friends, find your phone if it gets lost and more.

Back up your stuff. Send your app list, settings, photos and text messages to the cloud for safekeeping.

Start screen. Pick a size for each Live Tile to see as much or as little info as you want on the Start screen (for the rest, flick left to the App list). And if you have a phone with a large (1080p) screen, you'll have a third column of medium-sized Tiles on Start.
Ease of access. Make your phone easier to see with optional large type, a screen magnifier or a high-contrast theme.

Mobile Accessibility. Download the Mobile Accessibility app from the Store to have your phone read notifications, emails, web pages and more out loud. Learn more

Tap + send. Share photos, websites, contacts and more by tapping your phone against another NFC-capable device.

Updates on the lock screen. Choose apps to show on your lock screen for a quick or detailed status.

Add storage. Use a removable microSD card to add space for music, apps and more.

Hassle-free updates. Get over-the-air software updates – no fuss, no mess, no cables.

Reply with a text. Can't pick up? Just tap on one of the preloaded text message replies to let people know you'll get back to them. You can also set up custom replies.

People + social networking
Rooms. Rooms are an invitation-only place on your phone where you can privately share a calendar, photo album, group chat and notes with other room members.

Groups sync. Groups now sync to your Microsoft account, so you'll see them in your People list on

Contact sharing. Quickly share a contact card via email, text message or NFC (Tap + Send).

Email + messaging
Email by voice. Tap the mic in an email message, then dictate away.

Text tones. Assign ringtones for text messages, so you know who's texting you without even looking at your phone.

Attach more. Along with pictures, videos and voice notes, now you can also send your location or share a contact card in a text message.
Word Flow Keyboard. The upgraded keyboard has fun, colourful new emoticons to play with, plus your phone now has the power to learn your writing style and predict your sentences for even speedier typing.

Power texting. Edit a text you're forwarding and select multiple recipients just by ticking boxes. And now your drafts are saved too.

Skype app. Internet calls and video chat on your phone – download the Skype app, then you can access it from your contact cards.

Bulk delete for messaging. Clear out old text and chat messages in a couple of taps.

Browsing + maps
Just for you. Get personalised suggestions for nearby places to eat, drink, shop or visit based on what you've been doing and what your friends like.

Better browser. Search on a page, protect against iffy websites and more in the new Internet Explorer 10 for Windows Phone. And for faster, less data-hungry browsing, you can choose not to show web page images automatically.

Delete one or many. Remove a single item from your Internet Explorer history or use checkboxes to select multiple items for deletion.
Photos + camera
Lenses. Download Lenses from the Store to put themes, effects and more in your camera's viewfinder.
Photo fixes. Crop, rotate and fix photos on your phone — plus you can multi-select pictures to delete or share.
Back 'em up. Automatically upload your photos and videos to SkyDrive for safekeeping, with the option of full-resolution uploads.
Tap to record. Roll 'em – now you can tap the screen to start recording video.
Music + videos
Xbox Music. Say goodbye to Zune and say hello to Xbox: the Xbox Music Store is your new place to find music and videos, then stream them from the cloud. Get an Xbox Music Pass for unlimited access to millions of songs for a low monthly fee.
FM radio. Listen to the radio on your phone. (Not available on all phones.)
Do more with playlists. Like what you're hearing? Select one or more songs in a playlist, then download them to your phone from there.
Office Mobile
Handier notes. OneNote is now a separate app – pin it to Start to get to your notes in one tap. Take a note with just your voice, search the contents of notes and get around your notebooks more easily.

More Live Apps. Live Apps deliver updates and info to their Live Tiles. Now the Store has more than ever, so you can see the latest Groupon deals, BBC breaking news, Weather Channel alerts and more, all on Start.

Even smarter apps. Apps can already talk to your phone. Now they can talk to each other and share information (for instance, your restaurant app could share info with your GPS app).

WiFi options. Set your WiFi to be always on or choose to switch to your mobile data plan when WiFi connectivity is limited (or not).

Bluetooth sharing. Share docs, pictures, contacts, music and more.

For your business
Enterprise power. New business features like mobile device management, private app distribution and company accounts make it easy to integrate Windows Phone with your Windows infrastructure.

Works with Windows. Windows Phone 8 has the same look and feel as Windows 8 – so you only have to learn everything once.

Office enhancements. Improvements to Microsoft Office Mobile apps – including Word, PowerPoint, OneNote and Excel – make it even easier to access and edit Office docs whenever you want, wherever you are.

Windows Phone online
My Family. Set up My Family on the Windows Phone website to allow and manage app downloads and game ratings for kids.


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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